May Lindy workshop Series - Fundaments/Beginners

Sat 25 May 2024
£7.50 - £15

May Lindy workshop Series - Fundaments/Beginners

£7.50 - £15
The classes are designed for both beginners and improvers (Dancers who has been dancing for less than 1 year and also those that want to improve/hone their technique). An opportunity to learn the other dance role or switch!

The workshop will be at: St Mathews Church,11 Summerhill St, Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 6EJ

Classes will be run by Swing Tyne teachers: Rachel and Hilary & Jordan and Owen.

The classes are designed for both beginners and improvers (Dancers who have been dancing for less than 1 year and also those that want to improve/hone their technique). Or, an opportunity to learn the alternative role to your norm or switch!

These will be progressive and ensure that everyone attending will benefit.

We will explore fundamental techniques, movement, connection, musicality and variations that will enhance your individual level of dancing. 

No dance partner is required however a balance of leads and followers is needed so there may be a wait list until an opposite role is booked. 

The cost of this event will be £15 per person (£7.50 for concessions)

Tickets can only be pre-purchased to ensure that we are within the capacity of the hall. Book via the dance cloud link.

Dancers attending this 1 day workshop should then have all the skills ready for the improvers/intermediate workshop we are planning for later in the year.

The class format will be up to 5 hours of classes in total with regular breaks and lunch, followed by 2 hours of social dancing where you can hone and practice your moves.

Tea/Coffee and water will be provided. 

Please bring leather soled shoes (not rubber heeled) spare socks and a change of shirt always goes down well if you have been putting in a lot of effort and being considerate of your dance partners.

Concession prices are for those who find it difficult to afford the event (no/low income as an example) and we ask that anyone who can afford the standard priced tickets please purchase one. We are a not for profit charity so every £ paid is used for our dancing community.

No refunds will be given and No tickets are to be resold (you can re-allocate your ticket). Swing Tyne will try to sell your place and if successful a refund will be issued (up until the 18th May 2024).